How We Help You

Cornerstone CPA is a fully equipped accounting firm, with the ability to meet your needs with business and home financial services.

Accounting & Tax

At Cornerstone CPA, we take a holistic view of your tax and financial planning needs. We offer full service bookkeeping, accounting, tax preparation and tax planning for households and owner managed businesses.

Who do we serve?

We work with individuals, families, and business owners. If you are a business owner, we also take care of your personal taxes as a package.

How do we work?

We analyze your affairs and recommend the best approach for your unique situation. We never suggest something that you don't need.

Financial Planning

With two qualified CFP’s in the practice, we offer Financial Planning services to our clients. We can do as little or as much as you need. From a quick desktop review of your current plan, to an in-depth and complete assessment of your financial situation. We'll provide a comprehensive solution to ensure you meet your financial goals.

Who do we serve?

We work with individuals, families, and business owners at any tax bracket that are looking to plan for their own and their families future.

How do we work?

We start with a free consultation to learn more about your goals, desires and current stage in financial planning. Contact us today to get started!

App Advisory Services

We help clients evaluate which apps to use once they are using online accounting software like Xero or Quickbooks Online. We can help with implementation, or just recommend an app stack that would work best for your business. The idea of an app stack is to save you time and free you up to focus on the important things. It all starts with a discovery call to find a solution that works for you!

Who do we serve?

We assist businesses of any size that use an online accounting software to run their business.

How do we work?

We analyze your current software to determine where your gaps are. We recommend apps that can help automate or make functions easier in your business accounting. This helps you save time and money.

We can help remove the stress of tax season and financial planning.

Contact us to schedule your consultation.